At Strawberry Fields Cottage we nurture an environment built on passion for education and a commitment to safety. An environment which inspires your child’s curiosity, the desire to explore, question and wonder. You can trust our experienced educators to facilitate and encourage each child’s learning and growing.
Full cream milk for babies
Nappies and wipes
Sun cream
Bed linen for children sleeping in the cot room
Healthy and nutritious home cooked meals - Early Breakfast, Morning Tea, Hot Lunch, Afternoon Tea and Supper.
All our meals are planned out following the healthy food pyramid and we are also able to cater for various food allergies. Different types of milk are available on parent request for children with allergies including Rice and Soy milk. Our centre is also a nut free facility.
Our Centre Philosophy reflects the Early Years Learning Framework and is in line with the National Quality Standards. We provide a full School Readiness program all year round and work professionally towards getting all children ready for “BIG SCHOOL”. We use an electronic media for parent communication, so you can receive updated information about your child progress in your email in real time.
Please contact us to obtain current information on our vacancies. Our Daily Fees are:
Strawberry Fields Cottage Kanwal
Ladybug room (0-2 years) - $145
Bumblebee room (2-3 years) - $138
Butterfly room (3-5 years) - $138
Strawberry Fields Cottage Wamberal
Clever Caterpillars (0-2 years) - $145
Busy Beehive (2-3 years) - $138
Rainbow Kids(3-5 years) - $138
Bond amount is $160 per child. Bonds are refunded at end of placement at the service. Enrolment fee is $60 per family (non-refundable), including an information package.
Our centers are Child Care Subsidy (CCS) Approved. We will ask you to provide us with your family and child’s CRN numbers from Centrelink and the Family Assistance Office before commencement at Strawberry Fields Cottage.
Further Information
Child Care Subsidy- Further Information can be obtained by calling the Family Assistance Office on 136150 (8am - 8pm, Monday to Friday) or by visiting their website www.familyassist.gov.au. If you require information in a language other than English call 13 12 02. TTY services for families with speech and hearing impairments are available by calling 1800 810 586.
Education and Care Services National Regulations (Current version for 1 July 2018)
Staying Healthy - https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/reports/clinical%20guidelines/ch55-staying-healthy.pdf