Nursery: 0-2 years
Room’s goals
Throughout the year the children in the nursery room will be given the opportunity to:
Recognise their name when spoken to by carers and other children during speech, stories and songs
Engage in solitary, parallel and onlooker age appropriate play
Promote expressive and receptive language through routines, music and language groups
Be independent from carers and choose activities which interest them
Feel comfortable in the new surroundings of their room with the assistance of caregivers
Develop fine and gross motor muscles through play and obstacles
Express emotions freely and develop a sense of autonomy
Participate in experiences which promote creativity
Be aware of and practice manners
Participate in activities that are set through child observations to develop cognitive skills and abilities
TODDLERS: 2-3 years
Room’s goals
The goals for children aged 2-3 are quite extensive as it is a very busy year and a time of immense growth and development. During the year the children will be given the opportunity to:
Recognise colours and shapes
Develop a dominant hand preference and develop a correct pencil grip
Develop their concentration span to 15 mins, recognise numerals to 5 and route count to 10
Develop a sense of self confidence, interact socially with one or more peers, develop an understanding of sharing and turn taking, and develop the ability to hold a conversation with others
Catch a large ball with two hands, walk along a balance beam for 5-6 steps, and balance on stepping stones for 3-4 steps
Develop threading skills, threading 4-5 holes
Develop an understanding of music instruments and how to use them correctly, attempt to sing, and remember song words for 4 songs
To develop positive emotions during separation times, to express feelings verbally to both peers and teachers, and use spontaneous manners
To be able to wash/dry own hands, and develop an understanding of toilet and nappy routines
To be able to use a spoon and fork during meal times
To look after own belongings such as hat, shoes, bag etc.
Preschool: 3-5 years
The goals for preschool aged children are:
To begin to write letters of the alphabet and draw recognisable pictures, and be able to use scissors with correct grip and control
Name basic shapes, primary and secondary colours
Increase attention span to 15-20 minutes and count confidently to 20
To be able to jump with two feet off the ground, balance on a thin beam for 5 steps and a wide beam for 10 steps, and hop continuously on one leg
Use 8-10 word sentences and speak confidently in front of peers/groups
To be able to use manners spontaneously, to interact with peers using associative play, and to develop turn taking and sharing skills
To participate in a range of activities
To be able to look after own property, to be able to make own bed at rest time, and to be able to put own shoes and socks on
Able to separate positively and independently from parent upon arrival at centre
To confidently express feelings and needs and respect other children at group times, by listening and asking questions
Uses manners when speaking to teachers and peers