Strawberry Fields Cottage Wamberal
wamberal centre ● 29 Plymouth Dr Wamberal ● OPEN 7AM-6PM ● 52 WEEKS PER YEAR ● AGES OF CARE 0-5
Our Centre Philosophy reflects the Early Years Learning Framework and is in line with the National Quality Standards. We provide a full School Readiness program all year round and work professionally towards getting all children ready for “BIG SCHOOL”. We use an electronic media for parent communication, so you can receive updated information about your child progress in your email in real time.
Located in the heart of Wamberal
Our Wamberal centre has been recently launched. It has been beautifully renovated to reflect our educational philosophy, our approach to play based learning, and to create an optimal setting for childhood development. Book a tour today with our friendly staff!
Please contact us to obtain current information on our vacancies. Our Daily Fees are:
Strawberry Fields Cottage Wamberal
Clever Caterpillars (0-2 years) - $145
Busy Beehive (2-3 years) - $138
Rainbow Room (3-5 years) - $138
Bond amount is $160 per child. Bonds are refunded at end of placement at the service. Enrolment fee is $60 per family (non-refundable), including an information package.
Our centers are Child Care Subsidy (CCS) Approved. We will ask you to provide us with your family and child’s CRN numbers from Centrelink and the Family Assistance Office before commencement at Strawberry Fields Cottage.
29 Plymouth Drive, Wamberal NSW 2260
(02) 4384 6090